About us

We are a physiotherapy practice in the heart of Amsterdam with a passion for exercise. We take care of your recovery and support you in achieving a sports goal. With an expert, personal and flexible approach, we listen carefully to your needs. From there we start working together. From dry needling and manual therapy to performance testing and health checks - we are here for you. Check out our team of experienced physical therapists, enthusiastic running trainers and expert personal trainers below.

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Physiotherapy in Amsterdam

Our therapists

Franc Thomissen

MSc Manual therapist
Present Mon, Wed & Fri

Rumi Munoz

Physical therapist
Present Tue, Wed and Fri

Our team


We believe physical therapy is more than just diagnosing and doing exercises. Physical therapy is movement. We believe in the power of and inspiration from movement. AmstelFysio not only wants to offer people a helping hand, but also to inspire, challenge and motivate them. We sometimes do things differently, but we do this with a big heart for people and from a clear vision. In this way, we hope to support as many people as possible in their quest for optimal movement. Are you moving with us?

Jaime Frias Amadori

Present on di evening & Fri afternoon

Mark Lemm

Present di & do

Ruben Vogels

Owner Le Domestique

Simone Vernimmen-Luijt


Frans Brouwer

Physical therapist & running trainer
Present Mon, Di & Fri

As passionate athletes, we know how important it is to have room to move. That's why we create the ideal movement space for you. This way you can engage in your passion for movement.